Friday, December 11, 2009

(Excerpts from an interview with charlotte anderson, co-founder, planetary peace movement international)
The “spiritual consort” of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Charlotte Anderson is a spiritual teacher who was personally trained by Master Choa Kok Sui to conduct the workshops conceptualised and designed by him. She is also the compiler, transcriber, and editor of nine of Master Choa Kok Sui’s books. Co-Founder of Planetary Peace Movement International, Charlotte Anderson is also the founder of the Endowment Fund for World Peace and Global Healing, USA, and Founder, Pranic Healing European Charitable Foundation.
Charlotte Anderson (CA) spoke to Life Positive during the three-day Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Retreat she facilitated in Chennai in January 2009. An intriguing aspect of the interview was her use of the collective pronoun ‘We’ over the personal pronoun ‘I’ as the former, according to her, energises the quality of humility in an individual.
What is the relevance of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s teachings in a contemporary context? Most people only know of Master Choa Kok Sui as the founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Nevertheless, in fact, he was a master of energy, whose teachings embody the application of energy techniques given for the transformation of energy from one state to another. His teachings are comprehensive in nature and cover every aspect of life from the physical body, environment, emotional and psychological states, relationships, spirituality, and a wide range of other subjects. The first thing that we should think of is how techniques of energy can be utilised during periods of extreme change: change that may be economic, change that may be physical (with regard to the Earth itself), changes in spite of which people are able to continue to live their lives as they have in the past, changes that may be radical, sudden, expected or unexpected. However, even when anticipated, it sometimes may be difficult for us to comprehend what may be required of us to respond adequately in an informed manner. By using the energy techniques given to us by Master Choa Kok Sui, whatever changes that will occur can be dealt with both on the global level and personal level.
How can these changes be addressed at the personal and global levels?
At the personal level, the first thing that people need to grasp is that we are souls with bodies; not bodies with souls. Secondly, we need to have spiritual techniques that will help us establish a strong connection to the Satguru, to higher souls, and to Parabrahman or God. If these aspects of life are not deeply understood and integrated into life, then it becomes difficult to cope with events in one’s life whether they be physical, personal, or within the community.
You talked about a spiritual hotline or a strong connection with Source. Do you see that happening now?Our personal observation has been that there are groups of people globally from a wide range of backgrounds, religions, and cultures, who are interested in spirituality. They are interested in improving themselves, interested in changing their lives. Ultimately, all of us will be affected by the possible upcoming changes in very profound ways. Therefore, we can prepare ourselves by learning what we can do for ourselves using energy techniques to help improve our lives in very profound ways.
Do you see that happening in terms of a shift in individual and collective consciousness?
The desire for spirituality is the desire to achieve union with the Higher Soul, whether or not it is stated in those particular terms. It is becoming more predominant in the consciousness of people whom we meet on a global basis. From our perspective, people seem to be reaching out for something, a “missing part,” even though it may not be readily identifiable. There is a hunger, a thirst, which needs to be dealt with. Therefore, they try to find it by shopping, by accumulating. They try to fill their lives with objects or with people. However, the thirst will not truly be filled until they understand the spiritual connection – where they are right now and the process of becoming one with the Higher Soul.
Do you see such changes as symbolic of the New Age and as a natural progression of the evolution of consciousness?
According to the book by Master Choa Kok Sui, The Existence of God is Self-evident, life is governed by cycles. In the Indian tradition, one is familiar with the concept of yugas. We know we have passed out of Kali Yuga and are in a state of transition between periods. In the near future, we will enter the Golden Age, but the exact moment we will do so is quite uncertain yet.
We are witnessing a greater involvement of women in spirituality. What does that signify?
The “thirst” is not governed by gender. The desire to evolve particularly occurs during periods of personal crises such as death, illness, change of job, divorce, when the awareness of emptiness becomes predominant in the mind of the individual. Therefore, they look for ways to fill that emptiness, and in the process, they r a wake-up call for the individual concerned. and you begin to transform. When you do so, everything around you also begins to transform.
What are some of the global concerns addressed by the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui? Master Choa was a deeply compassionate person with a degree of compassion that was highly developed. His teachings and initiatives such as the Planetary Peace Movement International sprung from his humanitarian concerns. Therefore, he gave his students a set of teachings that would enable them to make wise decisions.
Can you share with us some aspects of your journey as a seeker?
‘We’ prefer not to talk about our personal life. ‘Our’ being with Him was a matter of destiny and the actual journey began several lifetimes earlier. Being his spiritual consort and tantric partner ‘our’ responsibility after Master Choa left His physical body was to spread Master Choa’s teachings among people because He was a person of extraordinary Atmic intelligence; an advanced spiritual teacher and a Maha atma whose life and teachings were inseparable.

(Courtesy : Live Postive Magazine & Mrs. Nandini Murali)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Invocative Affirmation Technique to Strengthen and Harmonize the Basic Chakra and the Navel Chakra

By : Preeti Bhatia

Basic Chakra – Invoke for divine blessings . Smile at your Basic chakra. Visualize yourself as being confident, healthy, happy, and full of life and vigor.
Say “My Basic chakra is Strong, Healthy, Vibrant and Harmonized. I am feeling Confident, full of Self-Respect.” Visualize the chakra becoming strong and healthy. – End with thanks for the divine blessings.

Navel Chakra – Invoke for divine blessings. Smile at your Navel chakra. Visualize yourself as being physically strong, healthy, happy and full of life and vigor.
Say “My Navel chakra is Strong, Healthy, Vibrant and Harmonized. I am Happy. I am feeling Physically Strong.” – Visualize the chakra becoming strong and healthy. – End with thanks for the divine blessings.
The following points should be kept in mind:
- This technique has the effect of energizing the chakra. Hence it is important that one is in an emotionally calm state while using the technique, otherwise it may lead to congestion of the chakra.
- Given that energy follows thought, the focus should be on the thought, rather than the ability to visualize clearly.
- The invocation makes the affirmation much more potent. – The affirmation is especially effective when done just before sleeping. This because the condition of chakra tends to remain stable while sleeping- which is a good 7-8 hours for a normal person.
- If the problem is physical in nature- say an injury – then this technique would take a longer time and it would be better to do pranic healing.
- Since the development of all chakras must be balanced, it would be advisable to use this technique after consulting an experienced pranic healer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The lesson we have come on earth to learn

Friendship is your richest possession than anything else, as it goes with you beyond this incarnation. You will not miss your true friends and you will meet again in the home of the Father, for real love is never lost. On the other hand, hate is never lost, either. Whatever you hate, you also attract to yourself again and again until you overcome that intense dislike.

Love is short-lived unless it is divine love. if you love others for themselves, and not for selfish ends, you have attained and expressed God's divine love. To develop pure love between husband and wife, parent and child, friend and friend, self and all, is the Lesson we have come on earth to learn.

You must not hate even your enemies. No one is all bad. If a piano has a defective key, you are not inclined to judge it as bad. The fault lies in one key only. God lives within all his children. To hate any one is to deny Him in yourself and in others. This earth is a laboratory of God. We burn overselves in the fire of mortal experience so that our divine immortality, which is buried beneath the dross of our consciouness, may be once again revealed.

Love all, keep you own counself, and do not worry.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Golden Lotus Sutras of Master Choa Kok Sui

"The Golden Lotus Sutras of Master Choa Kok Sui" is a compilation of notes taken during nearly ten years of lectures given by Master Choa Kok Sui.Deepest Gratitude to Charlotte Anderson for compiling and editing "The Golden Lotus Sutras" during all this years.

Through her Dedication to the Teacher and her tireless effort we are very happy today to have the Teachings available and we can read them again and again and every time there will be revealed more deeper meanings to us.

Seven books are in the Golden Lotus Sutra Collection.Each one refers to a specific Topic.

1. Beyond the Mind - On Meditation

2. Experiencing Being - On Life

3. Possible Miracles - On Pranic Healing

4. Compassionate Objectivity - On Character Building

5. Inspired Action - On Teaching

6. Achieve the Impossible - On Spiritual Business Management

7. Creative Transformation - On Spiritual Practice

A Loving Atma Namaste!

Please pause & take a moment to consider :

What have you done for our Beloved Guruji Today ?

Did you "Practice Diligently?"

Did you "Purify Yourself?"

Did you do something ACTIVE to "Spread the Teachings?"

Be ONE with the MIND of the Teacher...


Sharanagathi is a term which is commonly used as "surrender". When a person surrenders, he loose his power. But in "Sharanagathi" we get more divine energy and will power. Grand Master says that when we do "Sharanagathi" regularly, there will not be a need to do more Sadhanas as the blessings coming within us is so intense.

Grand Master gives "Hanuman" as the best example for this as he looks at his Satguru constantly. He explains that when we do "Sharanagathi" we experience oneness with the Satguru, Oneness with Avatars and Oneness with God. A disciple is supposed to keep looking at the Satguru and follow his inner qualities, not the physical qualities.

Grand Master says" with Sharanagathi, you can remove obstacles which are greater than the Himalayan mountains. With Sharanagathi, you can alleviate, to a certain degree, the sufferings of mankind, and help the humanity to evolve.

Also Grand Master says "With sharanagathi you can do many things; not everything, but a lot of things".

Practice Sharanagathi regularly and experience the oneness with our Satguru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

- Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed by GMCKS

Monday, November 30, 2009


Atmanamaste !
Glad to Inform You all taking One More Step Ahead to Spread Pranic Healing in Nagpur & surrounding areas Under the guidance of YVPHFM ( we are organising One of The Biggest Pranic Healing Workshop in Nagpur.For all the Details please click on the Images ....

Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis...must read..
Don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. *Balanced* means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order. There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions. "Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die. ....... One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? ...... It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices........." :) "Don't be serious, be sincere."!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is the internationally acclaimed author of the book, Miracles Through Pranic Healing (3rd Edition). Originally published in 1987 as The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing, Master Choa conceptualized a fresh and far deeper understanding of energy healing, using the readily available source of all life - Prana, called Pranic Energy or Vital Life Force.This book has been translated into over 27 languages, and is distributed in more than 40 countries, including many locations in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Europe, Canada and the USA.
A prolific author, other books written by Master Choa Kok Sui include: Pranic Psychotherapy (1990), Advanced Pranic Healing (1992), Pranic Crystal Healing (1996), Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office (1999), and Meditations for Soul Realization (2000).Master Choa's style in presenting paranormal concepts and in unveiling inner (normally hidden) spiritual teachings, is simple, straightforward, and practical. His latest work, the Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord's Prayer (2001), is a clear example of his brilliant ability to synthesize and connect major spiritual concepts that have generally remained separated by tradition and practice.In this work, he combines the spiritual concepts of the Biblical Lord's Prayer, with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, relating these two seemingly unrelated doctrines, with the ancient Indian tradition of the Chakras and Prana or Energy.
Recognizing multiple applications for the use Prana or Pranic Energy, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is one of the greatest Master's of Energy of our generation.In developing the modern Pranic Healing techniques used today and known as 'MCKS Pranic Healing,' Master Choa created a new standard of perception regarding healing itself.Master Choa not only conceived the comprehensive techniques designed to cleanse and energize the physical body, thereby accelerating the rate at which the body can heal itself, he even originated new, never before used terms, to thoroughly clarify the concepts he devised. Master Choa successfully has demonstrated that energy is an important factor in healing the physical body, and through employing Pranic Psychotherapy, also in healing the psyche.Master Choa formulated an easy to learn, user friendly system, so brilliantly simple that even new students can rapidly learn to heal simple ailments, enabling them to produce immediate positive results that contribute to good health and well being.Master Choa's students are blessed to learn numerous methods for achieving success in life, by employing his remarkably effective techniques. These powerful tools clearly reflect his extensive grasp of the numerous applications of energy and of his deep comprehension of life itself.Through Master Choa's teachings, his students are able to create more balance and to maintain greater success and harmony, as he guides them through the enormous range of possibilities regarding the application of Prana, or Vital Life Force to nearly every aspect of life.
For those seekers on the spiritual path, Master Choa has developed a system of practices that leads to greater soul (or self) realization. Arhatic Yoga is nonsectarian, and can become an enhancement to the understanding of any individual willing to accept the existence of a Higher Being or a God. This fantastic synthesis of various yogic practices (from many traditions), introduces the spiritual disciple to a banquet of methods devised to safely accelerate spiritual growth. These powerful techniques use ancient technology in original and creative combinations in order to activate and align the chakras and to awaken the kundalini energy or the "sacred fire."Arhatic Yoga is an advanced meditational technique, that proportionally balances aspects of Universal Love, Intelligence and the Will. Practitioners are thereby able to develop higher intuition, advanced mental powers, stable emotions, clearer qualities of good character and are able to move more rapidly toward becoming totally integrated beings of Divine Light.
Initially trained as a chemical engineer, now students often refer Master Choa as a "scientist of the soul." This scientific orientation enabled him to carefully systematize the techniques of pranic healing and arhatic yoga.Through extensive research, Master Choa developed a discipline called "technology of the Soul." The implications of this are profound, powerful, far-reaching and exciting for mankind. A portion of this material, was originally presented in Meditations for Soul Realization, and more is given in this book, Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord's Prayer. Even more advanced teachings are transmitted to senior disciples and advanced students during special intensive workshops.
People often wonder how an astute, self-made businessman and adept scientist can be an enlightened guru. These are the qualities that make Master Choa a unique spiritual teacher for this modern time. Ceaselessly, he travels across around the globe, teaching people in all walks of life.One of his distinctive qualities as a teacher is his ability to cause significant shifts of consciousness in his students. By the end of a two day workshop, his students can experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance and a higher level of energy. His pragmatic teaching methodology, enables his students to obtain volumes of lessons that will be relevant for an entire lifetime. Not only can these individuals experience significant improvement in themselves, but upon becoming teachers, they can also transfer this advanced technology for change to others.
The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui's teaching is equally reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writing. While it may not be possible for everyone to experience Master Choa's wisdom and energy by personally attending his workshops, by reading his books, a reader may have greater understanding of the Master's unique technology for rapidly achieving a higher degree of Oneness with their Soul, may discover many esoteric "secrets," and learn practical techniques for living life more fully with less stress and with greater productivity. Master Choa Kok Sui believes that we inhabitants of Planet Earth are ready for a major shift in consciousness. We are fortunate to anticipate through Master's incredible generosity of spirit, he will share with us more of his amazing knowledge and his boundless understanding of an immense variety of new subjects.

Accurate Perception and Correct Expression, and Non-falsehood

Discernment or Discrimination and Non-Superstitiousness
The Lord Buddha has said, "We must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor in
traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor in rumors, as such; nor
written by sages, because sages wrote them; nor in fancies that we may suspect to have been
inspired in us by a Deva (as in a presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from
some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor on the mere authority of our teachers and
masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own
reason and consciousness. For this... I have taught you not to believe merely because you have
heard, but when you believe of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly."
- Excerpt from Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, by Maha Atma Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why is Time Management Important?
By Stephanie Marston
The purpose of time management is to get more done well in less time. This will enable you to spend more face time with the people you care about, doing things that give you the greatest amount of joy and satisfaction in life.
The majority of your happiness comes from satisfying relationships, especially with the people closest to you. The essential determinant of the quality of your relationships is the amount of time that you spend face to face with people you love and who love you.
You can get control of your time by stop doing the low value things and spending more time on the few activities that can genuinely make a difference in your life.
If you're like most people, you are overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time. As you struggle to stay current, new tasks and responsibilities keep pouring in. The reality is that you will never be able to do everything you have to do. There will never be a time when you are completely caught up. There will always be more to do than you can do in the course of a day.
Be Selective
It is essential that you are able to select your most important task at each moment, get it done efficiently and well. Being selective will have more impact on your success than any other skill or quality you can develop.
People who develop this skill of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed excel beyond those people who talk a lot, make great plans, but who get little done.
The rule of thumb is that if you have two important tasks in front of you start with the one that is most challenging first. Discipline yourself to focus until you complete this task before you go onto something else.
Consider this a challenge. Resist the temptation to start with the easier task. Regularly remind yourself that one of the most important decisions you make each day is what you will do immediately and what you will do later, if at all.
The key to reaching a high level of performance and productivity is to develop the habit of tackling your major task first thing in the day.
Act Immediately
Successful people are those who focus directly on their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single-mindedly until those tasks are complete.
In the business world, you are paid and promoted for getting specific, measurable results. You are paid for making a valuable contribution and especially for making the most important contribution that is expected of you.
Failure to take effective action is one of the biggest problems in organizations. Many employees confuse activity with achievement. They continually talk, hold endless meetings, and make fantastic plans, but in the final analysis, no one does the job and gets the required outcomes.
Do It Now!
One of the simplest and most effective ways to be more productive is to repeat, "Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!" over and over to yourself.
If you find yourself becoming distracted by socializing or low value activities say to yourself, "Get back to work!" In other words, work when you work. Don't waste time. Every minute you spend surfing the web or in idle talk with a coworker is time taken away from the work you have to accomplish and consequently, time away from your family and important relationships.
Nothing will help you more in your career than for you to get a reputation for being the kind of person who gets important work done quickly and effectively. This reputation will make you one of the most valuable and respected people in your field.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gayathri Mantra Chanting!

ॐ भूर्भुव स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि
धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात
Om Bhurbhuva swaha:
Bhargo dhevasya dheemahi
Dhiyo yo na: prachodhayath

Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Gayatri, the five-faced Goddess, is said to have domain over the five senses or pranas, and protects these five life-forces of those who chant the Gayatri Mantra. The Gayatri Mantra is attributed to the Brahmarishi "Vishwamithra". This is found in the Rig Veda verse 3.62.10. It is of 24 syllables.

Meaning of the Mantra.
Mantra is of four parts.
1. Om Bhurbhuva Swah
In this "Om", the name of Supreme God. "Bhur" implies the existence, which actually means the self-existence of God. It symbolises the "SAT" or "the Earth" form. "Bhuva" means the Absolute Consciousness of God, which means he is self-conscious as well as conscious of all, so he controls and governs the Universe. It symbolises "CHITH" or "the Sky " form. "Swah" indicates the all pervading nature of God. He is omnipresent and pervades the entire universe. It also symbolises "ANANDA" or the God's bliss.

2. Thath Savithur VareNyam
It means "That God is the one who is worthy". In this "Thath" is the word in Sanskrit denote the third person "that". "Savithur", denotes the God and "Varenyam", signifies our acceptance of God and has the meaning of "who is worthy". With this, we accept him as our leader and guide. This is the implication of extreme devotion towards God.

3. "Bhargo Dhevasya Dheemahi"
It means the attributes and qualities of God and the reason for us to meditate on him.
"Bhargo" signifies the Glorious light which is the love and power of God. It can also be interpreted as "God complete purity and the ability to purify those who comes into his contact. "Dhevasya" - "Dheva" is symbolic of the individual qualities of God and the multifacted entity personality of God. "Dheemahi" means the to meditate and focus our mind in God.

4. "Dhiyo Yo Na: Prachodhayath"
In this we ask the God to improve our intellect, and guide it towards what is right.v"Dhiyo" means "Intellect" in Sanskrit. "Yo" means "Who" or "that" . "Na:" means "ours" and "Prachodhayath" means "Lead us in the right path".

It embodies the three concepts - Sthothra (Singing or Chanting of the Name of God), Dhyana (Meditation) and Prarthana (the prayer to God).

The time for chanting the mantra are dawn, mid-day and dusk. The maximum benefit can be obtained by chanting it for 108 times. When there is shortage of time, one can chant this or 3, 9 and 18 times also. Chanting of this Mantra removes all obstacles in our path to wisdom, spirituality and development.

References in Scriptures
Chandyoga Upanishad describes the quality of Gayatri Mantra. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad mentions "Gayatri" as the protector. All four vedas talk about Gayatri Mantra. The references are available in several Hindu scriptures such as Manusmriti, Harivamsa and Bhavad Gita.

For Pranic Healers
Our Satguru encourages us to practice this. It is a part of the Morning Sadhanas of Arhatic Yoga. Our Satguru has given us this chanting on his voice, which may be available in PH Foundations and centres.

Special Acknowledgement to

Saturday, November 21, 2009

To all my Pranic Healers & Arhatic Yoga Practitioners,
Promise me that you will continue to do my work which is the work of my Teacher,
Lord Bodhisatva Meiling with your soul, heart and mind.
That you will skillfully keep to my teachings
which are the wisdom of my Great Teacher.
Remember always... the eyes of the heaven are ever watching us.
That we may skillfully dispel the darkness of the world and
remove the sufferings of humanity with our open hearts and loving hands!
With love and blessings!
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Basic Pranic Healing Workshop ( 28-29 Nov 2009) , Nagpur

Namaste !

Greetings of Joy , Peace & Abundance !

Basic Pranic Healing Workshop ( 28-29 Nov 2009)

The Pranic Healing Workshop, Level 1, is the basic and introductory course in Pranic Healing. It is an experiential workshop to discover one’s innate ability to heal. If we can do it — you can do it!
In the Level 1 Workshop you will learn to heal confidently:

• Develop an awareness of the nature of a person’s aura: the subtle energy fields and the eleven (11) major energy centers.

• Learn to remove “diseased or used-up” energy utilizing the techniques of “Cleansing” and “Energizing” to restore balance.

• Learn to identify and “sense” energetic imbalances in the aura and the body’s energy centers by “scanning” with the hands.

• Learn to heal loved ones from afar with distant healing techniques.• Accelerate the body’s natural rate of healing.

• Learn the integrated Self Pranic Healing approach.

• Detoxify and avoid contamination from patients and “energetically- dirty” environments.

• Increase your healing ability through the powerful Meditation of Twin Hearts — an advanced Meditation Technique that focuses on Personal, Environmental and Planetary Harmony and Healing.PrerequisiteNoneWorkshop
Date : 28 - 29 th November 2009
Time : 9 am - 6 pm

Venue : GMCKS Pranic Healing & Meditation Center ,Plot No.100,Bank Colony,Old Subhedar Layout , Nagpur.

For Help & REgistration : 9833796221 , 9371874398,98234834 76

Word from Our Satguru

Before making a commitment, you must look into the matter thoroughly, whether you are in a position to fulfill it. If not, you should not make promises or commitments. Once a commitment or promise is made, it should be kept as much as possible. If a person says (s)he can handle a certain task, (s)he should fulfill it. Not to do so is a sign of irresponsibility or lack of reliability.
- our Satguru GMCKS
Special Acknowledgement to: